Event Speaker

You grew up an AgriKid if..
- School holidays didn’t actually mean a holiday! There was always something to be painted, fed, caught or cleaned.
- If you did go on an actual holiday it was usually within a 20 mile radius and could be cut short at any time if there was a change in the weather. As kids we would hide the child of Prague in the hope it would rain!
- Glorious mammy dinners so lovingly prepared could never be tasted as you held your nose to block out the smell of silage or slurry on the workmen’s overalls!
- Car journeys were spent with your father spending more time looking out the window at fields and livestock then on the road ahead! If a neighbouring farmer’s crops or livestock were doing better than yours, you can be sure the rest of journey would be in an awkward silence!
- God help you if you uttered a word during the weather report. ‘Shushing’ never sounded more venomous! No amount of apps on smart phones or tablets can ever replace the televised version!
- In spring time poorly baby lambs got priority for space in front of the range cooker or in the hot press!
- Days out could be hexed at any time with a sick sheep or an escaped cow.
- Sunday lie ins, (or lie ins in general) do not exist (see no. 1)
- There was always a time of year when you were overrun with kittens as neighbouring cats saw your hay shed as their maternity ward.
- The life cycle of clothes went from good wear, every day wear, work wear…..
- You learned from an early age not to give the farm animals pet names!! (and why!)
- You had two dogs – a house dog and a work dog.
- You had strong feelings for different brands of farm machinery – ‘Fear the Deere’. Massy is Classy……..
- Your breakfast time was after the animals were fed.
- When your townie relations came to stay you delighted in their disgust when you made them help with the mucking out!
- You knew to keep back from a ticking fence!
- If you moved away from the farm to a place of your own it could take six months before you grew accustomed to having a neighbour who was actually next door!