My name is Cadhlà O Rourke. I am 7 years old and I am from Co Leitrim.
Thank you very much to all the team at AgriKids for allowing me to guest blog on my favourite farm safety website.
Mum and I use the templates all the time and they are a great way of teaching children how to play safely on the farm (which we are doing more and more off because of lockdown).
I have been out most days with my brother doing a farm safety video and recording life during lockdown which was a really fun project to do while homeschooling. I love nature, being outdoors and animals since we can’t play sport at the minute which I miss very much. My favourite tractor is a John Deere and my favourite job to do on the farm is feed the lambs and put the hay out.
When I grow up I would like to have my own farm. I enjoy watching 'Ear to the Ground' with my dad and brother but I wish they did a kids edition - that would be really fun!
I am in 1st class at St Patrick’s NS in Drumshanbo, Co Leitrim and my teacher is called Ms Kathy Keegan. My favourite subjects are maths, science& art. We have been doing super fun projects in class all week around the subject of farm safety.
We also had a special moment this week where we stopped to pause and remember some very special people who’s lives have been effected by farm accidents. These families are always in our thoughts.
Thank you to AgriKids for letting me guest blog and to share my top farm safety tips with you all A special note to the Minister Heydon: Thank you for your kind words about the Farm Safety video. It would be great to get these signs into as many farms across Ireland as we can.